Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Santorum stands against Eugenic abortion of disabled babies

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

By Leticia Velasquez

Santorum stands against Eugenic abortion of disabled babies

There has been no outcry by the Mainstream Media on this one.Funny.
 Rick Santorum mentioned in an interview with Bob Schiffer that prenatal testing leads to abortion almost 100% of the time. Santorum then explained that the Obama Administration wants to mandate prenatal testing for all women, at the taxpayer's expense. Its merely a way to cut costs, force moms to know that their babies have a disability and she'll be pressured into an abortion. It has been told to me by nearly all the contributors to my book "A Special Mother is Born" how, when they either refused testing or expressed their wish to give birth to a disabled baby, that the doctors put tremendous pressure on them. Here we see no respect for women's informed consent, or her choice. Or the babies themselves. I thought we respected diversity in America, but if you have an extra chromosome, you are deemed unfit to live..
Santorum knows this and though he doesn't oppose prenatal testing, he knows what's behind the Obama mandate of pre-natal testing; A plan to cut costs by killing babies with disabilities. Its cheaper to perform "search-and-destroy" missions on babies prenatally than pay for special education afterwards.  Money over precious babies. That's how he's going to pay for those free contraception, the other cost cutting measure.

“The bottom line is that a lot of prenatal tests are done to identify deformities in utero and the customary procedure is to encourage abortion,” he said. Santorum said he is concerned because “because free prenatal testing ends up in more abortions and therefore less care that has to be done because we cull the ranks of the disabled in our society.”
“That, too, is part of Obamacare, another hidden message as to what President Obama thinks of those who are less able than the elites who want to govern our country,” Santorum said.
 No one in the media touched this except Chris Matthews who talked about it in one sentence, but quickly left the topic, saying that pre-natal testing was 'controversial'. Yes it is, and he knows that Santorum's comments could potentially raise alarm bells if too many people were to find out he's defending unborn babies from abortion for their disabilities. That might put Santorum in the position of being a hero. too late Chris, we already see him that way! Here's why;

Santorum faced another crisis when his daughter, Bella, was diagnosed with Trisomy 18, a chromosomal condition which results in stillbirth 50 percent of the time. At first, Santorum was emotionally detached from his disabled daughter but, when she faced her own battle for life, he suddenly realized, “This child…can do nothing but love me.”
Santorum observed, “That’s me with the (Heavenly) Father—I am so profoundly disabled in His eyes.”

He may be disabled in god's eyes, but far more disabled is Obama who will push eugenic abortion if re-elected. His soul is damaged beyond words to support eugenic abortions.

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