Monday, February 27, 2012

Poll: Obama holds double digit leads over Romney and Santorum

Poll: Obama holds double digit leads over Romney and Santorum
February 27th, 2012
07:25 AM ET
5 hours ago
Washington (CNN) - President Barack Obama holds double digit leads over the top two GOP presidential candidates, according to a new national survey.
A Politico/George Washington University Battleground Poll released Monday indicates Obama topping former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney 53% to 43% in a hypothetical general election matchup, with the president leading former Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania 53% to 42%.

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Matched up against a generic GOP opponent in the general election (an unnamed candidate who has not suffered negative attacks during the primary process), Obama has a five-point advantage (50%-45%), up from a dead heat back in November. It's also telling that the president is at or above 50% in all three general election matchups.
A new national poll from USA Today/Gallup tells a different story. According to the survey, which was also released Monday, Obama and Romney are deadlocked at 47% in a hypothetical matchup, with Santorum holding a 49%-46% margin over the president.
The Battleground poll indicates that the debates, caucuses and primaries appear to be taking a toll on Romney, with 51% of independent voters holding a unfavorable opinion of him, compared to just 33% who see him in a positive light. Among independents, Romney trails the president by 22 points in the hypothetical general election matchup. Forty percent of independents have a favorable view of Santorum, with 32% saying they see him in a negative way.
Among Republicans only, the battle for the GOP nomination appears to be all tied up, with Santorum at 36% and Romney at 34%. Santorum's two-point margin is within the poll's sampling error. The survey is similar to the Gallup Daily Tracking Poll's numbers on the Republican horse race.
Four out of ten say that Romney has run the most negative campaign, followed by Gingrich at 33% and Santorum and Paul each at 4%, with nearly one in five unsure.
The Politico/George Washington University Battleground Poll was conduced between February 19 and February 22, with 1,000 likely voters nationwide questioned by telephone. The survey's overall sampling error is plus or minus 3.1 percentage points.
The USA Today/Gallup poll was conducted between February 20 and February 21, with 881 registered voters questioned by telephone. The survey's sampling error is or minus four percentage points.

Filed under: 2012 • Mitt Romney • Polls • President Obama • Rick Santorum

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