Friday, March 2, 2012

If Sandra Fluke wants to fornicate, let her pay for her own contraception and abortions.

It is positively incomprehensible that the President of the United States would compromize the dignity of the Office of the Commander in Chief and address the baffling claim that a serial fornicator should ask American taxpayers to foot the bill for a personal lifestyle not in keeping with the best interest of the nation's priorities. Rush Limbaugh was not angry enough about this. He was polite.

Obama Rebukes Limbaugh, Thanks Contraceptive Advocate

Obama Rebukes Limbaugh, Thanks Contraceptive Advocate
After Rush Limbaugh called Sandra Fluke a "slut" and "prostitute" for testifying to Congress about the need for contraceptive health care coverage, the Georgetown law student became something of a lightning rod. Now President Obama has called to thank her. The President called Fluke on the phone just before her appearance on Andrea Mitchell Reports on MSNBC Friday, she told Mitchell, and offered words of support and an implicit rebuke of Limbaugh. This comes after Speaker John Boehner criticized the conservative radio host and at least one advertiser abandoned his show.

Fluke told Mitchell:
[Obama] encouraged me and supported me and thanked me for speaking out about the concerns of American women, and what was really personal for me was that he said to tell my parents they should be really proud.
Obama was alluding to Limbaugh's trolling question, "Can you imagine if you're her parents how proud of Sandra Fluke you would be? Your daughter goes up to a congressional hearing conducted by the Botox-filled Nancy Pelosi and testifies she's having so much sex she can't afford her own birth control pills and she agrees that Obama should provide them, or the Pope."
We'll leave it you to decide whose comments are making Fluke's parents prouder right now.

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