Thursday, March 1, 2012

1 Mar 2012 00:00 Comments By Brian Reade The sick truth behind the American dream

There are many paradoxes that hit me whenever I visit the 'Land of the Free' where more than 2.5million are in jail
American dream: The survival of the fittest
American dream: The survival of the fittest
There are many paradoxes that hit me whenever I visit America.
It calls itself the Land of the Free, yet there’s more than 2.5million of them in jail.
Its citizens are obsessed with cosmetic surgery and personal trainers, yet a third of them are clinically obese.
It has the most polite, well-mannered, kids on Earth yet so many of them shoot each other.
And it is the richest, most technologically advanced nation yet its main concern is the same as the poorest Third World nations: How to care for the sick.
We used to crack jokes about ambulance workers checking wallets before they checked out injuries, but that has now become a grim reality.
As America waits for President Obama’s health plan to take effect (and it won’t if the Republicans win this year’s Presidential election and repeal it) people are dying for lack of medical care like never before.
And it’s not just the poor who are out on a severed limb.
One of the most powerful pieces of TV this year was a Panorama special which showed hundreds of middle-class people without health insurance, driving through the night to a secret location in Tennessee to be treated by charity medics.
One man needed emergency treatment on a hernia, without which he would lose a leg through gangrene.
When told it would cost $20,000 (£12,500), he walked away, leaving his distraught wife to weep: “What are they gonna do to us if we can’t pay the bill? They can’t kill us and eat us. They can’t come take our home away because we owe a hospital bill... right?”
I thought that scenario was an extreme one-off until I had a conversation in a Detroit bar this week, with a man whose cousin in Cincinnati is dying of cancer.
He joined 14 million other Americans without work when his sales rep job went thanks to the banking crisis, and with it his health insurance, and months later, his house.
Soon afterwards he was diagnosed with liver cancer. Like 50 million Americans without ­insurance he can’t afford the treatment.
He gets charity care but it’s insufficient. He’ll die.
Most on America’s increasingly-strident right don’t have a problem with that.
When asked recently on a TV debate whether the state should step in and save a man dying in a coma, to a man the Republican candidates said it shouldn’t.
They detest free healthcare, labelling it an “entitlement” which drains the economy.
Life to them is about the survival of the fittest, and the death of the weakest.
If this Government had its way, that is exactly what would happen here.
The NHS, a magnificent achievement you only truly appreciate when you travel, would be changed beyond recognition as it was sacrificed to market forces.
Their current Bill would allow NHS hospitals to give 49% of their beds to private patients. Queue-jumping for those who can pay, longer waiting and thus less urgent treatment for those who can’t.
It’s why virtually all professional health bodies see it as a dangerous step towards killing our NHS.
Don’t fall for their sweet words. Like education they believe health should be two-tier, with the strongest getting the best results and the weakest grabbing the scraps.
Do not let them get away with this outrage.
Write to your MP now. Oppose it. Or one day you could be asked for £12,500 to save your leg.

Royal 'Ed off for some sun

SO what are you going to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee? Conga-ing around turned-up sarnies on trestle-tables?
Chaining yourself to the Buckingham Palace gates with a placard reading “Down With This Sort Of Thing?”
Whatever you do, please spare a thought for someone who’s really having it tough, Prince Edward, who’s been forced to take his wife on a two-week all expenses-paid tour of Barbados, St Vincent, the Grenadines, Grenada, Trinidad and Tobago, Montserrat, St Kitts and Nevis, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda.
He’s there right now. Just as the weather peaks.
All so he can be given free drink from local dignitaries to toast his mum staying a long time in her job.
As the motto of the Junior Royals reads: Life’s a Beach. And then you Fly.

Crack down on this taxing problem

I READ this sentence the other day: “Last year FTSE-100 non-executive directors received an average 10% pay rise” and struggled to decide which part the average worker would least understand.
What a FTSE 100 non-executive director does, or what a pay rise is?
Those pay rises are rather apt as calls are resurfacing from the well-off for the Chancellor to scrap the 50p tax rate, because apparently it isn’t working.
They claim that so many loaded people have found ways of getting round paying the top rate it makes it a silly, pointless tax that should be dropped.
No it doesn’t. It proves that the rich are earning so much they can pay accountants to fiddle their taxes.
So either tax them more so they can’t, close the loopholes so their accountants can’t, or make it a criminal offence to avoid it.
Which option do you think George Osborne will go for?

Big time for little man

CONGRATULATIONS to Chandra Bahadur Dangi, who has been named by Guinness World Records as the smallest man on Earth.
Especially as he was up against some serious opposition.
At 21.5 inches he was only half-an-inch shorter than Simon Cowell’s heels.

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